Lunch Time Loser

If forced to describe myself as either an introvert or an extrovert, I think I'd say the latter. I like being social, making friends, and being around people, most of the time. I consider myself fairly friendly and outgoing. I strike up conversations with strangers when I'm waiting in line at the Post Office and I introduce myself to people at parties. My recent experience during office lunch time makes me re-evaluate all of this.

I've mentioned before that breakfast/lunch at this company is freaking unbelievable. Seriously, it's so great to get free, healthy, and gourmet food every single day! The catch is that I have to eat in a big lunch room-type setting, and even though the clientele  is a lot more distinguished than a middle school cafeteria, my response to the crowded room is the same it was 13 years ago. I stand there nervously holding my hunter green lunch tray, and I anxiously scan the room for someone who will invite me to sit at their table. And no one does. I silently try to psych myself up to go sit at a table with strangers. How hard is it to say, "Is anyone sitting here??" But it turns out that it's actually REALLY hard for me to say that. So I usually take my tray and scurry to an empty table, whip out my nook, and eat as fast as I can so I can leave and spend the other 45 minutes of my lunch break walking around Midtown. Who am I? What is my problem??

In my own defense, the position of being a temp makes meeting people and making friends more complicated because I'm only at each job temporarily. When I do a cost/benefit analysis of getting to know new people for a few days or a few weeks, I have sort of decided that it's not really worth it. (See post about how I'm dead inside). And sometimes I really do try to meet people!

One day I forced myself to sit down with a group of guys who were young and looked like they could be cool. For the next 45 minutes, they talked about Seinfeld and superheroes, both topics that I know next to nothing about (don't get me started on the Seinfeld thing, I can't be converted). It was so awkward! I didn't say one word, but I had asked to sit at their table! Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and squeaked out an awkward, "Have a nice day!" before I dumped my tray and got the H out of there. Who am I? What is my problem??

Another day a couple of guys asked if they could sit with me. This wass the ideal situation because I didn't have to do anything except say, "Sure!" The problem with this situation is that I was almost finished eating, and I actually did have some noon errands to run. We talked about Australia/South Dakota for a few minutes, and then like the rude, socially awkward person that I have apparently become, I said, "Sorry, I gotta run! Have a nice day!" Who am I? What is my problem??

I'd like to end this post with a declaration that I'm going to try to make an effort to meet people and/or sit with them at lunch, but I'm going to be honest with you, it's probably not going to happen. I like my book, I like my alone time outside, and I guess if it's true that I'm actually an introvert, well, I guess I have to like that too.

Yeah dude, I know just how to you feel.


  1. It bothers me that this kid has chocolate milk, juice, AND pudding on his tray. And those crumbs/remnants in the circle look an awful lot like cheese. Great job, school lunch. OH, and I also don't like that he looks forlorn and is sitting alone.


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