
Showing posts from January, 2014

DJ Granny


Some Stuff That's Happening

Sunday night I went to a Golden Globes/Girls (Golden Girls) party with my gals and gays (so many G's!) at CH's apartment in Park Slope. KS brought puppy chow (the snack, not the actual thing), and I brought grapes. We laughed, we gasped, we covered our faces in second-hand embarrassment. It was awesome. For the next 24 hours I considered: "What's your favorite utensil?"and I tried to style my hair like Emma Watson. I wish all Sundays could end that way. I watched the movie Prince Avalanche last weekend with Emile Hirsch and Paul Rudd. I mean they were in the movie; I didn't watch it with them. This is why sentence structure is important you guys. In the film, the two characters have the esteemed duty of painting yellow stripes on the highway. They placed reflector tags on the road too, and I realized that when I was little, I thought these tags were filled with paint and they squirted out paint to make the lines. Actually I thought this is what happened un...

"I Belong with No One"

You belong with me.

Dating, Death, and Being a Receptionist

In hopes of becoming better writer this year (or at least one who writes with more frequency), I've decided to take the advice of Stephen King, who in his book On Writing says, "If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” So I've been reading more. We're not talking literary classics by any means but just text, wherever I can find it. Mostly, the internet. Here are some chunks of pieces that I've read lately that popped out at me and said affirmatively, "You know exactly what I'm talking about." They were right, I did. Here are those chunks: This is from a fun/fashion interview on with Sofia Cavallo (Opening Ceremony Online Editor), and it's her response to a question about the topic of dating in New York. I feel like I've been saying this exact thing for years, so it's great to know that a smart, successful, fashion editor agrees. I feel validated on many lev...


This is my daily commute, waiting for a train at Grand Central Station just like all of these New Yorkers.. wearing headphones, sometimes holding a book, hair blowing with passing trains. My commute never feels the way this video makes me feel, but maybe I need to pay closer/slower attention. Adam Magyar - Stainless, 42 Street (excerpt) from Adam Magyar on Vimeo .

1 Moleskin notebook. 2 Hot Chocolates. 25 Resolutions.


Those days when you get the mean reds

Friday night was so frigid and after having dinner and drinks with the girls, I came home, put on an obscene number of layers of clothing, and turned on Breakfast at Tiffany's . The thing is, I have never actually seen the film, and I have always felt a little bit like a fraud for it. As such a huge supporter of class, black dresses, and country girls who move to the city, I should have made this a priority much sooner in life. Audrey, I'm sorry. But thanks to Neflix's addition to its library, I emjamacated myself on this iconic nugget of American culture, and now I have some thoughts. Mainly, I think that the movie is kind of weird. The party scene made me feel like I was on a bad trip, and I don't know if you know this, but Micky Rooney's character is supa racist. And Holly Golightly is inconsiderate and selfish and kind of dumb. Why do people love her so? But don't get me wrong, it's all very visually striking and silly and with the help of some serious s...