I work at the Empire State Building, but I called in sick today

I started a job on Tuesday at the Empire State Building, and it has been awful. I have never hated a job so much in my life. I do not excel at Excel.

Then I got an interview at the New York Public Library (my dream job) on Friday at 9am that was one block away. I usually don't work until 10am at the ESB but on Thursday night before I left work, I found out that on Fridays I have to be at work at 9am.

I decided to call in sick to work and go to the interview instead.

At 8:45 I got off the train at the 34th St subway station and walked to Madison Ave for my library interview.  I walked on 35th street because I didn't want to see anyone from work and have to explain to them why I wasn't actually "sick."

After the interview as I was getting walked out to the lobby, someone stopped me and told me  that there had been an incident on 34th street, and that I wasn't allowed to leave yet.

I took out my phone to google, and I found out that there had been a shooting outside the Empire State Building at the exact same time that I would have been going in, had I not got this interview and had I not called in sick.

I'm safe in Brooklyn now, watching live news reports and thinking that this interview really was meant to be.

Thinking of those less fortunate now.


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