The Printer Incident

There's a man at my office with jet black hair who is a foot shorter than me and at least 2 decades older than me. He works in the finance department, and I don't know how it happened but we became buds. His name is Fred.

Fred and I often chat in the office kitchenette or in passing while one of us is filling a coffee cup. There is nothing about Fred or our friendship that is creepy or inappropriate, and that is what makes what I'll refer to as "the printer incident" a harmless anecdote about my day and not something I need to report to HR.

One day Fred and I both printed something to the same printer. I said, "Printer party! Who's will come first--yours or mine?" Then we watched as the printer spit out papers.

Fred said, "You're below me!"
I said, "No, I'm on top!"
Fred said, "Maybe I'm in between you!"
(He was in between me... I mean his papers!)

Then Fred and I each grabbed our papers and walked away. I had BIG EYES as I walked back to my desk, and I didn't look back at Fred's to see if he had also realized what we had just said. I think we're still friends, but now that I think about it, I haven't seen him in the kitchenette since.


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