An Ode to my Closet

To clarify, this isn't really an ode. I tried writing one but poetry is HARD. So instead here is a paragraph about my teeny closet that I love.

The closet in my bedroom is the only closet in my 450 square foot apartment, and as the only storage space available, it has a lot on it's shoulders...err shelves. My bedroom is proportionally as small so my queen size bed leaves zero room for a closet door. Instead, the door is hidden under my bed and a cloth shower curtain serves as a separator between my room and all that lives inside. Which is:

a vaccume
a mop
a yoga mat
a snow shovel
all my linens
all my winter clothes
an ice scraper
a dust broom
6 pairs of boots
my luggage
and oh yeah, all. my. clothes.

I'd like to thank New York City for teaching me how to make the most of a small space and to get rid of what doesn't fit. I'd also like to thank command hooks, skinny hangers, and my height for allowing me to reach to the very top shelf without a step ladder. Would a walk-in closet be nice? Of course. But for now I'm happy to have a big life in a small space (I'd always prefer that over the reverse anyway).


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