Wait, May is over??

Last month...

I met a friend for a walk around Wash Park. We talked work and relationships and work some more, and then we sat on a park bench where the most amazing thing happened. We encountered a parade of wiener dogs. Technically it wasn't a parade; it was a meet-up of dachshund enthusiasts who go on a group walk through Wash Park every few months, and we were lucky enough to be sitting alongside their route. The leader of the pack was a particularly striking 3-legged doxie with a nose in the air like she just don't care. Following her were wiener dogs of varying shapes and sizes, but you know, pretty similar shapes and sizes. The whole thing was freaking delightful, and I squealed obnoxiously and unapologetically for 10 minutes straight. Weiner dogs for the win.

EH hosted her first cocktail hour(s) at her new uptown loft. I brought chips, salsa, and a house-warming succulent and the other girls brought the FUN(gi). We popped champagne and drank out of 4 unmatched glasses that had been acquired in recent thrifting expeditions. KA noticed EH's tarot cards on a bookshelf and 2 glasses of bubbles later, EH and I were sitting cross-legged facing each other with three tarot cards between us. With a buddha statue behind me, crystals in front, and wine in my hand, EH read my cards. It was my first time having my cards read; I feel the same way about tarot cards as I do about fortune cookies--they speak to you when you want them to. And man, my cards spoke. The wine and FUN could have had something to do with the intensity of the experience, but either way, I felt resolution and assurance (and also a little buzzed). It's so fun being a witchy woman!

Photo taken from EH's loft. I didn't levitate; I'm not that witchy. 

My new job has been challenging and exhausting and fun and most of all fulfilling. Is that crazy?? I've had a lot of jobs in my life (A LOT), but I've never felt this level of joy from the work I do during the day. And the craziest part is that my job isn't really even that cool. I'm not at an inspiring non-profit that serves the homeless community and I'm not at a tech start-up with other millennials and beer on tap. I work as an Instructional Designer for a patient-centered communication program at a health organization. BOR-ING. But for some reason it's not. I get to have ideas and share them and see them valued and implemented. Whaaaat? I also get to train physicians which can be both rewarding and brutal,  but I can't deny that I still love to teach. So anyway, I'm a real professional woman now--hi, nice to meet you--and it feels good.

Part of being a real professional woman is having a professional headshot.
Mine all turned out horribly, so I'm trying to get this one approved. 

You want to know the only thing better than getting a new puppy? When your best friend does! Thanks, EH for adopting and being wholly responsible for this little nugget while I get to cuddle, play, and do all the fun stuff. Inez is the newest lady to join our girl gang, and even for being a puppy she is so chill and brave and smart. She fits right in ;). One night this week EH and I took Inez (I call her Nezy, for short) for her inaugural walk in Cheeseman park, and I honestly couldn't tell you who was more excited for the experience--the pup or us. At the end of our walk I realized that for the entire 4 hours that we had been together, the only topic of conversation was Nezy. We literally didn't talk about anything else. For 4 hours. Instead of being a married couple obsessed over their first newborn, we're just a couple of best friends in their 30's obsessing over a 4-legged queen angel baby named Nezy. Hopefully real human babies come later.

Portrait mode was made for this pup.

Also of note--this month I got to spend an afternoon with LJK visiting from Brooklyn! I played in the Great Sand Dunes National Park (and weeks later continue to find souvenir sand in some unfortunate areas.) I've babysat, dogsat, and sat on the edge of my couch watching Handmaids Tale. I drove to the mountains for work and spent a little time by a creek in Frisco, CO reminiscing about a different time. Life. is. wild.


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