Why I'm Voting for Hillary Clinton

I've debated writing this post primarily because I don't consider myself a very political person. I watch the news and I proudly wear that little sticker when I vote, but when it comes to politics, I'll admit that I could use a refresher of my 11th grade government class. There is a lot that I don't know. But, there is also a lot that I do know. And that is this:

Immigration reform is important to me because immigrants are important to me. I taught English as a Second Language (ESL) at a multicultural center in South Dakota where our mission was "Welcoming the Stranger," and I've tried to live my life that way because we have all been strangers at some point. I have worked as an ESL teacher in South Dakota and in NYC, and I want a world of bridges, not of walls. That's one reason I'm with her.

I earned my bachelors and my master's degree at a state school, and I had scholarships, and teaching assistantships, and part time jobs. I worked really hard to ease the burden of the cost of higher education, and yet, I have a lot of student loan debt. I want future generations to have less. And that's another reason I'm with her.

I love fishing on lakes in South Dakota, picnicking in parks in New York City, and hiking in mountains in Colorado. Protecting the environment and recognizing the real threat of global warming is important to me. That's another reason I'm with her.

On June 26th, 2015, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality, and I watched as America virtually erupted in love. Some of my closest friends were given a right that I think they should have had all along, and I want the LGBTQ community to continue to feel the support and celebration of that day. That's another reason why I'm with her.

I am an imperfect woman with an imperfect body, but it's my body and it shouldn't be belittled or exploited or grabbed without my consent. It's not ok when derogatory language is used by a stranger who walks past me on the street, and it's definitely not ok when that kind of language is used by a presidential candidate. That's another big reason I'm with her.

At the end of the day, it matters less to me how Hillary Clinton's personality translates on TV or what arbitrary level of "trustworthiness" I think she displays. I value what she values, and I really believe that what's in my heart is what's in hers. 

Last thing: it was important to me to write this without mentioning Donald Trump's name (well except for just now). I think his mention often turns positive messages into negative ones, and I want this to be free from fear and hate and negativity. I want that in our next President too. That's why I'm with her.


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