That's Why

Five years ago when people asked me why I was moving to New York, the best answer I could give was, "Because it's New York, that's why." It sounds a little arrogant now looking back, but for the most part, people understood what I meant. New York is the epicenter of art, business, culture, fashion (and all the other sections of the NYTimes), and so it didn't take a lot of explaining when I told people I was leaving SD for NY. But now I'm getting asked that same question about my upcoming move to Denver. "Why Denver?" I am asked. I'm finding the answer to be harder to nail down.

So I thought about it, and here's why

...Because I grew up on the prairie and then moved to the city, and now, as they say, "the mountains are calling and I must go."
...Because I crave a fresh start and fresher air.
...Because I want to be closer to home, closer to my mom and her cat and our lake cabin and an airport that I can fly directly into.
...Because the male to female ratio in Denver is in. my. favor.
...Because I went on a Colorado hike with LS in October that helped mend me back together, and LS said to me, "Here we just call that Saturday."
...Because I'm ready to trade my job for a career, my wings for roots.
...Because New York City was never my destination, just a necessary layover on my path to find it/me/you.


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