"Meet Me In St. Louis"

'Tootie' Smith: Nobody's going to have them, not if we can't take them to New York! I'd rather kill them if we can't take them with us!

Esther Smith: Oh, Tootie, don't cry. Don't cry, it's all right. You can build other snow people in New York.

'Tootie' Smith: No, you can't! You can't do any of the things that I can do in St. Louis!

Esther Smith: No, no, Tootie, you're wrong. New York is a wonderful town. Everybody dreams about going there, but we're luckier than lots of families because we're really going. Wait till you see the nice new home we're going to have, and the loads and loads of new friends we're going to make. But the main thing is, Tootie, that we're all going to be together, just like we've always been. That's what really counts. We could be happy anywhere as long as we're together.


  1. This is one of my all-time favorite movies! Do you love it too?


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