This Weekend.

I didn't feel great this weekend, so I gave myself a pass to be lay-zee. I slept well, and I ate well. I was basically a 67 year old woman for two days, and it was glorious. I have no regrets.

I made green soup, walked all over Brooklyn (in both rain and sunshine), and stood in line at the Post Office for an hour while I talked to EH on the phone. Saturday night I sniffed scented candles along side a hunched over old man in Target, and then I went home and painted my nails while watching the entire first season of Louie in bed. On Sunday I saw V from Orange is the New Black at the cafe where SS works, and I'm pretty sure a bird peed on only the very tip of my nose. (I know both things sound unlikely, but I swear that they happened). Sunday night I babysat, which really just consisted of watching Dumb and Dumber and eating a frozen burrito while a baby slept in the other room. I rode my bike back to my apartment with my bike lights flickering as I peddled down Dean street.


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