Thanks God, for Heirloom Tomatoes

Some days are good days. You wake up two minutes before your alarm goes off, and pop out of bed knowing exactly what you'll wear that day. Someone brings bagels into the office. You get praised for your work. You and your boss laugh behind a computer monitor until your sides hurt, and your trains all come on time on your way home. You find a piece of forgotten dark chocolate in the back of your cupboard after dinner. You get a letter in the mail--a real letter, and while grocery shopping, you notice that heirloom tomatoes are on sale. You crawl into freshly washed sheets at the end of the day and fall asleep smiling, thinking, "I am so lucky."

And then there are days when all of those same things happen, but you don't notice because you're too busy concentrating on one little bad thing, and you miss out on all the good things. You focus on that email that no one replied to or that favor that no one thanked you for, and you don't realize all the sweet little gifts (like that letter and those tomatoes) that you're given in between getting out of your bed and getting back into it.

I'm going to try to be better about this. I'm going to try to notice, to be thankful, to be happy at the end of the day.


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