25 for Trevor

A good friend of mine, Wade Addison, is turning 25 next month and instead of having a birthday party or accepting gifts, he started a fundraising goal to make $25,000 in 25 days (subsequently making us all look like big assholes on our birthdays... I kid!). The money is going toward The Trevor Project, a nonprofit organization created to stop suicide amongst gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth, and Wade's project is called 25forTrevor (25forTrevor.com). He, along with another good friend (and photographer/videographer) Taylor Ballantyne, made this amazing video to support the cause! I still cringe at all my speaking parts (and the unfortunate state of my bangs), but  it's worth taking a look at. Feel free to share, tweet, re-post, or donate. 

Just no making fun of my bangs, please. 


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