One Year

One year ago:

SS celebrated her birthday (and today too!)
I met WA and LJK for the very first time!
RC moved to NYC!

One year ago:

I quit my job as a nanny to live the wild life of a temp.
I lived in Harlem in a living situation that was literally evil.
I applied for jobs in South Dakota.

One year ago:

I wasn't sad, but I wasn't happy.
I didn't know where I should be, what I should be doing.
I wasn't alone, but I felt like I was.

And now, one year later:

I'm celebrating SS's birthday with my whole slew of a crew.
I have a full-time job that makes me feel like a whole person at the end of the day.
I'm happy, really happy, and exactly where I need to  be.


  1. It is amazing the difference a year makes! I'm so glad you are happy and feel like you are exactly where you need to be! <3

  2. This post makes me so happy to read! I'm so proud of you and your accomplishments and persistence.


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