I told my KC friend KS this story this week, and now I'm telling you:

"Last night I went to this Brooklyn Museum event thing and there was a band called ZOZO Afrobeat playing tribal jazzy music, and the place was packed, and I was standing in the back with a clear plastic cup of red wine (obvi). I looked around and people were swaying their hips and moving their shoulders to the music, and then I noticed this little old black lady in the 4th row pick up her cane (the wooden, old school kind like you would draw if you were playing Pictionary) and raise it in the air to the beat of the music. In a sea of people, you could just see this old cane raising and falling in the crowd in unison with the sounds. I don't know if I'm explaining this very well, but it  was one of the sweetest, most beautiful things I've seen in a long time, and it made me feel like, "It's OK. EVERYTHING is going to be OK."
KS is now out of surgery, and safely recovering at home. That makes me feel like everything is going to be OK, too.


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