Some quick/weird things I think about

I get angry when the NYC subway is inaccurately depicted in TV and movies. Like I'm such a snob about it: "Nuh huh! That's not the REAL New York City Subway!" Who cares, Amanda? Who cares? It's a movie..

Patients have been particularly impatient with me at work this week, especially one woman who called demanding to speak with the MD because she had been “crapping her brains out.” I did not put her on hold.

A few mornings ago I woke up and before crawling out from under my covers, I checked the outside temperature on my phone. It said 24 degrees, and I audibly whimpered with dread. Then I realized I had been looking at the temperature in South Dakota, so I switched over to the NYC temp. It was 25 degree. I’ll take what I can get.

My boss bought me Opera tickets since I told him I have never been; then he emailed me the tickets and told me to remember to bring my Opera glasses to the theater. All I have are 3-D glasses. I wonder if those will work.

The other night a friend came back to her Brooklyn apt to find that the door was unlocked and pushed open. Knowing that her roommate was in the city and not at home, she called me to come over for back up. I couldn’t find my [pink camouflaged] pepper spray, so I brought a travel size hairspray. Too afraid to actually go in the apartment, we stood in the lobby and called the police instead. It all ended fine with no hairspray injuries (which was good, because that would have been such a waste of good hair product).

On Galentine's Day (formally known as Valentine's Day), I went to a friend's house where we sat around in yoga pants sipping on champagne like really classy broads. We didn't do the traditional potluck "bring-something-based-on-the-first-letter-of-your-name" which resulted in an obscene amount of chocolate covered strawberries. We ate them and then did yoga. Healthiest. Vday. Ever.

I have over 900 pictures on Instagram. It's so embarrassing, but I can't stop myself! I'm an insta-addict. I'm like this:


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