let's set the world on fire

Remember my friend AP who I always brag about because she's a super fancy designer for Tracy Reese and let's me borrow her clothes and come to fashion shows and generally make my life feel exponentially more glamorous than it actually is?!? Well, she did it again. Last week was her last show with Tracy Reese because she just accepted an AMAZING job at J. Crew.. and now I'm telling you her whole life story. I'll refrain.

ANYWAY, after the TR fashion show on Sunday we went to her friend and co-worker's bf's amazing penthouse apartment in the Upper West Side where we stood in awe at the amazing view and made sure not to take our glasses of red wine on the white carpet. We mingled and munched and then, the host with the most sat down at his grand piano and played this most appropriate anthem. An overplayed song, perhaps, but oh-so perfect in that moment.

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter
Than the sun"

  We Are Young, TR Fashion Show Luncheon from Amanda Lightfield on Vimeo.


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