My Issue with Nomenclature

I'm really bad at remembering proper nouns. Like all proper nouns. You know when people say, "I'm really bad at remembering people's names" Well, that's almost everyone. Everyone is bad at remembering names of the people they have just met, but I'm bad at remembering names of books, restaurants, song titles, artists, writers, movie titles, and specific types of cheeses, and also the names of people that I have just met. I can recognize books and restaurants and song and movies, but I'm almost completely incapable of remembering exactly what they are called. This makes me look like such a flake and also very unobservant.

"What book are you reading, Amanda?'
"Oh, I can't remember what it's called or who wrote it or any of the names of the main characters, but it's really amazing! You should read it."

"What are some of your favorite Brooklyn restaurants, Amanda?"
"Oh there's that one where I had awesome brussel sprouts and that other restaurant where there is cool back patio with twinkle lights. But I can't remember their names."

I'm telling you right now that I'm not a flake OR unobservant (most of the time); mine is more an issue of labels, of nomenclature. I appreciate the thing, the place, the experience so much that I find it unnecessary to assign an ambiguous word to it. At least this is the rationale I am telling myself to feel better about this odd impediment. Words: who needs 'em.

William Shakespeare wrote in Romeo and Juliet,
"What's in a name? that which we call a rose/
By any other name would smell as sweet"

If it's good enough for Billie Shakespeare, it's good enough for me.


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