Thank You's Giving

What I'm thankful for:
  • a whole slew of friends, near and far, old and new who, despite all reasoning, like me and continue to stick around
  • warm oatmeal on cold mornings
  • that guy at Mr. Melon who gives me extra green juice when he makes too much
  • when people give up their subway seats for people who need them more proving that the world actually hasn't all gone to shit
  • concealer (seriously.)
  • when things don't look like they're going to work out, but then they do
  • the way that my mom and sister let me boss them around 
  • clearance sales
  • the feeling I get when I finally complete some stupid miniscule errand
  • Downton Abbey
  • my patient co-workers, trainers, and mentors who answer all of my dumb questions (because some questions really are dumb)
  • when I find the exact word I'm looking to use
  • feeling taken care of 
  • dodging bullets (of both literal and figurative variety)
  • that I live in an apartment and neighborhood that is filled with people I love
  • when the subway comes at the exact moment I get on the platform
  • the discovery of quinoa
  • America 
  • when new music gets dropped in my box
  • an imagination that lets me live in a life that's quite enchanting
  • great book recommendations
  • the subway--I can't believe I just typed that..
  • vegetables and the outrageous amount that I'm known to eat
  • apple products!
  • that my family lets me be me, even if they think I'm crazy
  • a whole bunch of stuff that I can't think to type at this moment
  • & You.


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