Help an ESL Bro Out!

Have you heard/I told you about Kickstarter yet?? It's this amazing platform for artists, writers, creators, etc. to raise money for their creative endeavors. They put together a video and a profile explaining their project, how much money they need and what it's for, and they offer rewards to people for donating or 'backing' their project. I've donated to a couple projects already not because I'm rolling in the dough and need someone else to give it to (obvi), but I back projects because some of them are SO COOL. People are so creative and inspiring, and it feels cool to be a part (a small part) in helping an artist fulfill something that he/she feels inspired to do! Anyway, I'm all about it.

The catch is this... a project creator sets a goal and a deadline, and if she/she doesn't meet that deadline, none of the backers' credit cards are charged and the creator falls short. BIG BUMMER. This way, it's really important that creators meet their goal by their deadline.

Which brings me to... this guy LB who used to teach ESL with me at Zoni Language Center last years. He's trying to fund a film project about "one student's struggle in the complex and frustrating world of English as a Second Language in New York City." Obviously, I'm exceptionally psyched about this project because of the subject matter, and it's for this reason that I'm appealing to you (is anyone out there?) to back this project and make this idea a reality.

Check out the video and description here:

Also keep in mind this amazing fundraising platform and see what other projects are out there. Maybe there are ideas you want to support or ideas you have that you need support for. Maybe someday I'll be appealing to you again on my behalf :)

Isn't art cool?


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