
Tonight I'm dizzy and frustrated and I just ate a half of a cantaloupe (it's not as much as it sounds). I narrowly survived one of the worst migraines of my adult life this weekend, and it got me thinking about thinking and how nice it would be to turn it off sometimes. Brains can be such pains, you know? I'm giving up sugar for 30 days in support of KS's super intense cleanse, and it's hard, man; I love chocolate. Remember when I gave up music for Lent? That was the worst idea I've ever had. I'm 26 now, and I feel very anxious about it. Mostly I'm anxious about the fact that starting September 1st, I won't have health insurance. Also, I am getting gray hairs, so there's that. On the bright side, I've been watching a lot of Gilmore Girls while eating blueberries in bed. Sometimes it just doesn't get any better than that. Then I fall asleep and wake up with blueberries smooshed in my hair. Maybe that's the worst idea I've ever had. I've been dreaming a lot about my dad lately, and I wake up feeling down. That's not the way a person should wake up: not the blueberries and not the feeling blue. A person shouldn't have to worry about headaches or health insurance, but a person does. I do. I think that's probably what's making me so dizzy.


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