The Day that Everything Went Wrong (and it was all my fault)

OMGAAAWWWDDD... Yesterday I moved to Brooklyn, and it was the most stressful, draining, laborious, taxing, don't-think-about-it-or-you'll-start-to-sob days of my life. I can't wait to tell you alllll about it. But first I need to take a deep breath, get my interview outfit* ready for tomorrow, and try to "keep calm" until I can appropriately reflect on the moving mayhem.

On the positive side, I could not POSSIBLY love KS or AP any more than I do. I mean it. After the physical and emotional support that they gave me yesterday (and last week, and today, and every day), I owe them MY LIFE.

I wouldn't be in Brooklyn without them.
I wouldn't be in NY without them.
I wouldn't be where I know I need to be without them.

*And after this hellish weekend, I am starting my week by sneaking out of my stressful temp job mid-day to go downtown for a job interview at an international elementary school, then back to the stressful temp-job. Wish me.. luck?


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