For the past two and a half months, I have worked at the Disneyland of corporate financial offices. It has been a dream come true, and I'm not even being sarcastic! Last Friday was my last day answering phones and scheduling meeting rooms, and I was SO SAD to be leaving. The silver lining is that now I get to blog about THE GREATEST TEMP JOB IN THE WORLD.

 Here's why this company rocks:
  • First of all, my job is super easy. It includes answering occasional phone calls and transferring them, greeting occasional guests, confirming meeting room reservations.  These three duties take up approximately 10% of my time. The rest of the time I gchat, facebook, read Shades and Thought Catalog. Sometimes Bob (the security guard with whom I share my desk-- more on him later) turns on Law and Order and we spend the whole day guessing "who did it"! And I get paid to do all of this!!
  • Every day all employees get to enjoy a marble bar full of amazing breakfast foods and catered lunches. EVERY DAY. There are snacks and deserts and fresh fruit and expensive coffee available all day, every day. It is like a school cafeteria only all the food was healthy and fancy!! Sushi on Tuesday? Sounds great! Australian meat pies on Thursday? Sure, I'll give it a try! I may have gained some "new job" weight, but come on, it was FREE!
  • All of the plates, cups, silverware, etc were all 100% compostable! All other materials were recyclable! This company loves the environment!
  • If an employee makes a donation to a charity, the company will match it. And, employees can volunteer up to three days each year and still get paid for it like you were at work! Aaaand, there are service trips every couple of months that the company sponsors at which employees can volunteer, like a month ago when they took a bus to a summer camp for disadvantaged kids and helped clean and garden! Angels! These people are angels!
  • As if anyone would ever want to leave this heavenly place.. if you stay at the firm for 10 years, you get a Tiffany's clock ($2000)! After 15 years of working there, you get a Rolex!
  • There are several "wellness rooms" available in the building in case you aren't feeling "well." I was allowed to enjoy the wellness room one Monday morning when I had a monster of a migraine headache. The wellness room is size of my living room. 
  • Every couple of months, the department is taken out to dinner and a Broadway show. Also, the owners host company-wide events every couple of months. In the summer, they rent out Yankees stadium sky boxes, and employees get all they can eat and drink AND free rides home!
  • The building has a full gym with Yoga and Pilates classes in the building! As a temp, I wasn't able to use the gym though- drats!
  • Every couple of months, the owners bring in professors and consultants to host optional workshops about personal finance tips, relaxation techniques, organizational strategies, etc. Employees can go to these during the work day, and they're free!
  • Maybe the single greatest thing about this place is that you can wear jeans. Every. Day. You don't have to wait until Friday, people! It's amazing!!
I know that I am forgetting more job perks and reasons why this is the GREATEST TEMP JOB IN THE WORLD, so I'll probably be adding more as I remember them. Seriously though, DISNEY LAND FOR ADULTS!!!!

[Note: I always tell my students to avoid using exclamation marks because it is the purpose of words to show emphasis, not punctuation marks. But I'm going to eat my words this time because exclamation points are really necessary in this post. Sorry, but it's true!!!!]


    1. Did you ever find out what it is that the company does? I want to work for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(haha just for you)


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