Because DP loves my blog quizzes and because our now mutual friend DB invited me to Trivia on Tuesday night, I'm posting this picture of a comic strip character, and you have to guess who it is!! This is actually one of the trivia questions that we got wrong, but I'm curious to see if there are any comic strip aficionados in the crowd. Anyone know what this fat cat's name is??

Say my name, say my name!
Clue #1: This cat has a feline friend who loves eating lasagna and a canine comrade whose tongue is always sticking out.
Clue #2: The illustrator of the comic strip grew up on a small farm in Indiana with 25 cats.
Clue #3: His name is NOT Normal (but it's close).


  1. It's NERMAL!!!!! I used to watch Garfield on TV like it was going out of style. Saturday morning's, Garfield and I were big friends! I always loved when the showed the little farm cartoon in the middle of the show.. that little egg that walked around with legs cracked me up (no pun intended.. or maybe intended a little! HA!).

  2. Yeah, I totally would have gotten it. It's Garfield's little cousin or something. He would always box her up and try to send her to Abu Dhabi every time she came and visited.

    1. Well we knew he was Garfield's cousin, but we didn't know his name. We learned it's not Sophie.


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