A Picture Is Worth Like, Waaaay More Words

"Ok, self, it's TBK's birthday, and you have to do something special! You're broke, really broke, so the Tiffany's BFF bracelet that you have been eye-ing will have to wait until next year. This year you're going to have to stick to something creative.. and free." *Pause for reflection* "Ok, I've got it! Write TBK a baller blog post about how much you love her and miss her and are thankful that she still admits you're her friend. Write about all of your favorite memories together: all the cities and countries you have explored together and all the holidays, parties, and festivals you've celebrated together. Tell her that she's been there when you needed her, and that you'll always be there for her, too. Oh, and also be witty and sincere and specific, and watch out for those run-on sentences, young lady! Now, Go! Write!"

Yeeeaaahhh, I'm not going to be able to do that. There is no way that I can begin to write a post that will convey how much I love, appreciate, and miss TBK! But I can remind her of some pretty wild times we've had together in the last 8 years. And imma do it with pictures!

When we were the only 20-year-olds left in town, and Eunice helped sneak us into the bar.
When we spent the best summer in the history of summers in Verm recycling beer cans to make money for more beer.

When we graduated from undergrad and celebrated at Carey's with dirty girl scouts!!

When TB became TBK and she let me stand beside her as she said, "I do!"
When TBK and CS came to NYC for New Year's Eve!

 TBK, Sorry this isn't a Tiffany's BFF bracelet, and sorry it's not a ground-breaking piece of literary genius. It's just me telling you, Happy Birthday!! I love you!


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