Impress Me NYC

Today I stepped outside during my lunch break to warm myself by sitting on concrete steps across the street. [I swear, regardless of the summer temperature outside, the office A/C is at borderline frostbite conditions!] Anyway, I was sitting there reading this on my nook about how maybe my life isn't as totally out of control as it feels sometimes, and a noticed that a photo shoot was happening right in front of me. There was a model (an ant of a human being- SO TINY) and a whole crew of stylists, photographers, and people holding giant reflectors and hangers and photography equipment. I thought, "Huh." and went back to reading my nook book. An hour or so later, I realized how strange it is that this sort of thing doesn't really phase me any more. A year ago, I would have been sneaking pictures with my iPhone and texting all my friends: "Guys! I'm witnessing a Park Avenue photo shoot right now!" but instead I was mildly amused for like a half a second and went back to reading about how twentysomethings should be thinking about fertility (not my favorite chapter...).

At first I was kind of proud of myself: Heck yeah! You're such a cool New Yorker that seeing famous people and movie sets and fashion shows doesn't even phase you anymore. It happens all the time, anyway. You're so over it.

But then I was kind of sad that I've stopped paying attention to all the random things that happen here on a daily basis. Oh no! You're not taking full advantage of what NYC has to offer, and you aren't appreciating it. This is cool! Pay attention! Get over yourself!

Hopefully I can find and maintain a kind of middle ground where I'm not a total tourist snapping pictures of yellow cabs every day but yet I can still appreciate walking past the Today Show plaza every day on my way to work.

Also, I think I need a new book to read.


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