Feelin' LUCKY!

Lately, I have been experiencing a new-to-me phenomenon known as GOOD LUCK. Like I have been having a disproportionate amount of fun. I don't feel too guilty about it because one year ago, I was have a disproportionate amount of NO fun, so I'm glad that things are finally starting to come back around.

Other than the fact that no one will hire me or date me, and I'm not sure how I'm going to pay my rent next month, things have really been working out for me all of a sudden! In the last few weeks, I've been to a Broadway show, a rooftop birthday party, actually TWO rooftop birthday parties, picnics in Prospect Park and Central Park, and to the New York City Ballet! (Note that most if not all of these events have been free or almost free- minus the Broadway). I have the world's GREATEST temp job, and earlier this week, I got invited to go to Atlantic City for a 24 hour adventure! Bob the security guard has so much faith in my [beginner's] luck that he gave me (invested) $50 to gamble with!! I said, "Whoa, whoa Bob, I don't think I'm very lucky!"

But then again, maybe I am!

Com'on GIRLS, we're going to AC!!


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