Better late than never!!

We met at a fashion-y thing where we bonded over free hors d'oeuvres and discussed life in the Upper West Side. I don't remember exactly what we talked about, but I remember leaving the event with a new contact in my phone and a new good friend in my life. In the following months, we met up at your apartment in the UWS for wine and to whine and at my apartment in Harlem to create and brainstorm and binge on burritos. We've had more heart-to-hearts and pee-your-pants moments than one would expect after less than a year of friendship. But I think it's true that sometimes you meet someone who feels like someone you have known all along. You are that to me.

Thanks for coming into my life, for reminding me of the difference between "truth" and "myth," for making me laugh about everything and nothing at the same time, for giving me a job-intervention when I hated nannying, for loving country music, for believing in my writing, and for being such a kick-ass, fun-loving, sweet soul. Happy birthday, girl. Love you!


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