Tumble on, Tumblrs! Tumble on!!

 So I'm sort of confused about Tumblr and how it's different from Pinterest or a regular blog. Or is it the same thing? I'm not sure. But lately a lot of cool people I know have been starting Tumblrs, and I thought I'd share the web wealth with you!!

This tumblr is by my New York amiga and super cool photographer friend TB. She's so funny, and so is the stuff she posts. LOL. Also, here is her website. And her videos.

TB's cuz and my new fabulous friend, SS is the creator of this bad boy. She posts cute and silly and girly stuff; it's like internet candy!

Instagram is the predecessor for this tumblr by my gal pal AJ. The concept (breakfast + little plastic toys) is so simple, but the pics are so creative!! I've been "liking" the crap out of her on Instagram, and I'm excited that she made the plunge to tumblr-world! Warning: Checking this out is going to make you want some carbs reaal bad.

My homegirl EH started this tumblr for the company that she works for, Drapery Connection. She's amazing at finding home design inspiration and taking inspiring home design photographs. Her own style is modern/minimalist so she's not actually a huge fan of drapes, but man, can she pick 'em!

I've been checking out this tumblr by my friend AB before I even know what Tumblr was! She takes pictures (which I love) and then she adds cool quotes and lyrics (which I also love)! It's a special treat when my former roommate Gus makes an appearance.

I kind of know this girl. I mean, we're facebook friends and we watched the Super Bowl together and I creepily found this online. It's called Nails and Cocktails. Enough. Said. 

Give me a shout out if there are other Tumblrs I should be checking out!! I work at a computer all day now; I'll take whatever internet distractions I can get.


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