Red Bull Dreams, Whoa!

Last night I lost my Red Bull virginity. That's not totally true; I've had Red Bull in jag bombs before, but I've never had a whole can until last night. It fulfilled its desired effect of "giving me wings" so to speak, and it definitely perked me up. I was flying high and it was great, until I tried to go to sleep. And then this happened:

Dream #1:

I'm walking out the front door of Theta and there are giant trees lining the sidewalk leading me to the corner of Clark St. and Plum St. I see a baby stroller with a little baby girl inside and she's cute and she's crying. I pick her up, and immediately we love each other. I somehow figure out where her mom lives (in the Pike house), and I go to return the little girl to her. I ask the mom, "What happened? Why did you leave your baby?!" And the mom tells me that she had something important to do and couldn't take the baby along. She takes the baby out of my arms, and tells me to leave. As she's shutting the door in my face, I offer to babysit at any time. I'm so upset. I wake up.

Dream #2:

I'm at a club or a party or something with a bunch of girlfriends, but I don't remember specifically who is with me. I need to get to the Omaha airport to pick up my dad, and everyone I am with is taking foreeever. Everything is going wrong, and they all keep finding hot guys! And then as soon as I  get one of my friends away from a hottie, I lose another one! I don't even care about the hotties because I'm so frustrated with my friends! "We have to go get my dad!" I yell at them! I'm so upset. I wake up.

Dream #3:

My aunt tells me she bought Super Bowl tickets for her husband and herself. Then my mom tells me that she bought Super Bowl tickets for me, my sister, and herself. It is not football season, and I think that this is an odd thing for them to have done. I'm not upset, just confused. I wake up.

Then there was a thunderstorm really early in the morning, and I woke up thinking that it was a terrorist attack. I surrendered to my sleeplessness at six and I started brewing coffee. It's been a rough day ever since.


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