Money Matters (but I still don't have any)

I don't know what someone like me, a person who is perpetually broke, financially incompetent, and constantly in between jobs, was thinking by moving to one of the most expensive cities in the world. Honestly. It's not that being broke is a new concept to me. I've always lived paycheck to paycheck, so I'm pretty familiar with the whole wanting-not-buying, wearing-and-taking-back, eating-canned-not-fresh thing. Words like "thrift," "discount," "used," and "clearance" became a useful part of my vocabulary at an early age, and this is something that I'm actually kind of proud of. I can coupon clip with the best of them!

But it's just so much harder to be broke here. Maybe not harder, but a lot more depressing. There are so many places that I want to go, so many things I want to see and do and eat and wear! And *whine alert* it's just not fair that I can't afford like 75% of those things. Ugh. Poor me. Literally. 

Whining over. I'm going to suck it up and jam out. Because thank GOD YouTube is still free (just not the internet). Also thank GOD that I'm only complaining about being broke in a very superficial kind of way. I get to eat today, after all. (Check yourself, gurl!)

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