I'm Bringing Drunk Dialing Back!

In college, I was a drunk dialing fool. Get a couple beers in me and the next thing you'd know, I'd be stepping outside a party or in the bathroom of a bar calling friends near and far to tell them... well, I'm not actually sure what I would tell them. But it was probably something about how I loved them or missed them or remembered something about them and thought, "Hey, this would be a good time to call ______________." Sometimes these phone calls were harmless. But sometimes they were harmful, to my ego, at least. There is a good chance that I am the inspiration for the "I love you man!" commercial, and this is not necessarily something I am proud of. Sloppy and slurred doesn't suit me.

The, along with my nose ring and punk-hair phase, I sort of grow out of drunk dialing. This may or may not be a direct result of the end of my college drinking lifestyle. (It's impossible to drunk dial if you're not drunk). I drew the DD line in 2009 and have been a recovering caller/texter ever since. Until recently.

Trust me when I say that I'm not at the same social level now that I was in college. Not even close. But I do go out occasionally and meet friends for happy hour or brunch, and much to my surprise, tipsy texting and drunk dialing have reared their ugly heads once again. I think that the reason for this re-emergence of buzzed communication has to do with (1) my feeling especially lonely/nostalgic for so many people that I love and (2) my long commute back to my apartment. When I'm feeling good after a couple of week night cocktails or  mimosas at brunch, I get to thinking about people I wish were there to join in on the fun.  And then I leave the bar or the restaurant and walk back to the bus or the train or all the way home, and I'm probably feeling good but I'm probably feeling a little bit lonely. In college, my journey home usually involved a herd of other Thetas but here in the city, I'm usually flying home solo. So as I walk I reach for my phone... and it happens.

Though this can be/is often kind of embarrassing when I realize what I've done and what I've said and how I've said it, I've recently decided that it's actually OK. If the worst thing that happens when my inhibitions are lowered is that I call old friends to talk for a few minutes, then I think that is OK, good even. Awkward? Sometimes. But when has that ever stopped me before??

Now I say, let's bring drunk dialing back. Go out with your friends, have a few drinks, step away from your party, and give someone you love a call.  Just remember like with all things, moderation is key. And more importantly, "I love you man!"


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