"I'm really sorry. I'm just a temp."

I'm back to being a temp tramp. Remember when I did this last time? There was the Israeli real estate agency where everyone had a name like Ari and Avi and Aron, then the PR firm where all the girls were total b*tches and my day was like a scene out of The Devil Wears Prada, and then there were a couple financial offices where I had absolutely no idea what I was doing but people walked around wearing suits that cost as much as my month's rent. It was funny to read about and funny to think back on now, but at the time, it was not funny. Yet, here I am again.

In case you don't remember, the teaching thing I did for six months didn't work out because I didn't make enough money to pay my bills (ie my student loan repayments... ie money I had to borrow to be able to be an English teacher...). Then I did the nannying gig for another six months which ironically paid more than the job that I went to grad school for, but it was demoralizing and unsatisfying and basically making my normally bright and fun-loving spirit die a slow and painful death. (It really was.) So that didn't really work out either.

So I'm back where I started, waking up each morning not knowing where I'll be sent or what I'll have to do. The only thing I will know for absolute certain is that at a minimum of five times during the day, I am going to look like a complete moron and frustrate some executive or intern who needs me to transfer a call or book a conference and I'm going to do it wrong. And at a minimum of fifteen times a day, I'm going to have to utter the phrase, "I'm really sorry. I'm just a temp."

It's really humbling job, this being a temp.  The only redeeming quality about the job is that it's.. well.. temporary. There is no commitment, and at the end of the day, I get to go home and know that there is a better chance of me winning the megamillion than ever seeing those people again. I get to take off my blazer and heels, pop open my laptop, and start looking for a job that I might actually pay enough AND be fulfilling AND [here's the kicker], might actually want me back.

Until then, enjoy the hilarity that is my life as a temp :)


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