Sunday, Monday, Unemployed Days!

Wednesday was my first of day of being unemployed so I was all, "I'm taking the day off of job hunting, and I'm going to enjoy it. I deserve this!"

Thursday was 75 degrees outside so I was all, "I'm taking the day off of job hunting, and I'm going to enjoy the beautiful weather. I'm going to the park."

Friday I woke up extremely hungover so I was all, "I'm extremely hungover. I'm taking the day off of job hunting. First, I'll take some ibuprofen."

Saturday I went shopping for work clothes and when I got home I was all, "I've prepared for a new job by shopping today. I have three new blazers. I'm taking the day off of job hunting."

Sunday I woke up, applied for one job and was all, "That was exhausting! I'm going back to bed."

Let's have our fingers crossed for a fresh start on Monday...


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