Nanny Notes: Imma teach you something!

The last six months I took a step back from teaching, and I became a nanny. I didn't have a marker board or the attention of an entire classroom (or rarely even a single kid), but looking back, I did get to squeeze in a few teaching moments here and there. 

I taught K. the Presidents song, how to draw a star, and that adults always know when kids are lying about having brushed their teeth.

I taught J.J. which shoe goes on which foot, that you can put raspberries on your fingers and eat them that way, and the difference between an author and an illustrator. J.J. also now knows the word "inappropriate."

Oh yeah, and I taught J.T. how to talk. (colors, numbers, shapes, letters.. yeah, that was all me).

I'm still trying to figure out how exactly I can fit this into my teaching CV. I think it's way more of an accomplishment than teaching a classroom full of college students the difference between "your" and "you're." Am I right?!


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