SUPERbowl FUNday

Last Superbowl Sunday I spent at a Dive Bar (that was actually its name) on the Upper West Side with EH, EO, and three skinny NYU swim team dudes. There were six of us total but when we got to the bar, there was only one table open with five chairs. Instead of us all taking turns sitting and standing, the three hippy girls (and I'm not talking about the 60's here) had to take turns sharing our chairs. The skinny swimmers enjoyed chairs to themselves while the three curvy girls took turns sharing halves of wooden bar stools that weren't comfortable to begin with. First EH and EO shared, then EH and me, and then me and EO. For four hours. I honestly don't even remember who won the game, but in the game of musical Superbowl chairs, it definitely wasn't the girls. I also had no job and no money at the time so I sipped on a warm microbrew for the entirety of the game while everyone else put their food and drinks on their parents' credit cards. I'm making this experience sound really miserable. It wasn't. But this year was much better.

This year's Superbowl festivities took place at KS and AP's apartment in Brooklyn. There was guacamole, there was vodka, there was chocolate. No one had to share chairs. It was perfect. I got to proofread a resume which made me realize how much I miss doing that (quick- tell this to Amanda two years ago- she won't believe it!). We watched commercials, gabbed about how amazing Mindy Kaling is, and occasionally checked in with the big screen to see how well our team (the Giants) and our player (#20) were doing. Before we knew it, the guacamole and chocolate were gone and our team had won the game! Go Giants!! After all the trophy-kissing, we put the TV on mute and discussed fashion aka what the H I'm going to wear to the Tracy Reese fashion show next weekend. I borrowed a cute red top from AP and grabbed what was left of my Brooklyn vodka and hopped on the next Manhattan-bound train. Three homeless men on the trains tried to make a Giant's train chant happen but were sadly disappointed. It was a nice effort. Now I'm home, and I'm happy to see how far I've come, and I'm happy my team won. Maybe it's the vodka and chocolate talking, but tonight I'm just plain happy.

I spent waaaay too much money on this shirt. Thank God we won so I didn't have to go through the trash to find the tag to return it. Not that I would ever do that...

Yumm... tasty and local :)


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