Request from Fritz!

Whitney told me once (with the help of Mariah) that "there can be miracles, if you believe." Say what you will about those cra-cra divas, but I think they were on to something. So that's why I'm using this blog as a selfish platform to ask for your prayers, good vibes, positive thoughts, and/or whatever else you're able to give up to the universe or God or Allah or whomever.

I'll spare you the medical details (partly because they're boring and partly because I don't exactly understand) but tomorrow my grandpa is having bypass surgery on blockages in both of his legs and also having is abdominal aneurism.. fixed? That's clearly not the technical term, but it's late and I'm tired and worried, so that's how I'm explaining it. Anyway, the surgery is really risky and my whole family is going to be there for him tomorrow, and at the same time I'll be 1500 miles away changing shitty diapers and slicing apples. If you think of it, please please say a quick prayer that the surgery goes alright and that my loveable, ornery, old Pollock of a grandpa comes out of it asking for KFC and a John Wayne western. He's a huge character in the story of my life, and I'm not ready for his role to be over.

Thank you!!


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