I had a note in my phone to write a Valentine's Day blog post about penguins.. not sure what that was about. I'm sure it was a great idea at the time, but it's now 10:01, one minute past my grandma bedtime, and I drank a bottle of wine alone tonight, so I apologize, but no penguin Valentine's Day post tonight. Maybe next year.

Instead here are some highlights from my v-less v-day,

I woke up, and put in pink, heart-shaped earrings. I dressed the boys in red.

I took a picture of the roses that my boss got from her husband because they were on the kitchen counter, which is the closest thing I have to an office. They were lovely.

I bought myself chocolates. The heart shaped container they came in was broken, so I got a discount. Sometimes it pays to be alone on Valentine's Day.

JJ had a playdate after school and in making conversation with the other nanny (who was a 40ish year old Philippino woman) I asked her if she had plans for Valentine's Day. Without taking a breath she responded that she had never been married, had no children, had no boyfriend, and was alone. I tried to be cool and change the subject but a part of me thought, "Oh gawd, that's my future."

For dinner, I ate an entire bag of frozen vegetables, an entire bottle of prosecco, and two fun size candy bars. That shit was gooooooood!

I read a great article titled "In Defense of Valentine's Day" that said this: 
"Because love is a paradox. It's not like, say, food. You can never really feel "stuffed" by the love you receive -- or famous people would be the happiest people on earth. And we know that's not the case. Nope, the strange, perfect, beautiful truth is that you can only really feel the love you give. So give it. Just for one day. And in doing so, you will discover that Valentine's Day might not be bullshit after all."

So there is it. No penguins. No steamy love story about a sexy MANny sweeping me off my feet at the playground. But there was chocolate, and red, and wine. And at the end of the day, still a lot of LOVE.



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