Last Friday Night

Last Friday was a wacky day and random night, and I want to make sure to blog about it before I forget (any more than I already have).

I woke at the ass crack of dawn and went to work as usual but this time with a train-riding, then walking companion! TB had come over Thursday night; we made dinner and worked on our computers in the "writing room," and then it was late so she just stayed over. As we walked from the 81st street train station to Amsterdam Ave where we parted, TB and I talked about my next career move, and it woke me up, in more ways than one. TB reminded me that my day-dreams can become real-dreams and those real-dreams can come true!

I was feeling pretty good about life until 7:01 when I walked into the house where I work, took off my shoes, and stepped in a puddle of dog piss that quickly saturated my socks. I normally would go sockless, but JT and I had music class at 9:30 that requires wearing socks and there was no time to wash/dry them. So I stuck them on the handles of the stroller as we walked to school hoping they would at least dry a little before class. They didn't. It was disgusting situation to be in, but I've encountered enough grossness in the past 5 months that it really shouldn't phase me anymore.

Then the afternoon was pretty typical.. a few dirty diapers, an occasional temper tantrum, a trip to the snake store. YES, I SAID SNAKE STORE. K loooooves snakes almost as much as I hate them, and he had been begging for weeks to visit the snake store after school. Being the selfless and constantly sacrificing nanny that I am (and because I had to), I took JT and K to the exotic animal pet store. Luckily, we spent most of our time with the fish and a little bit with the birds (poor things, let them free!). I survived the whole experience, but let's just say it wasn't easy.

Then there were a couple more temper tantrums, but I threw the boys in the bath, handed the reins over to Vivian, and got the H out of there. I dragged my exhausted nanny bod home, made dinner, and told TB that I was too pooped to go to the show we had planned on going to. She said she wasn't going either, and we agreed to meet up later in the weekend. I took a shower, put on pajamas (it was 7:00pm at this point), and then I got a text from some old Zoni teachers that they were out in the Lower East Side (Or LES if you're cool and know the lingo.. which I did not). I'm still not able to explain the whoooosh of a second wind that came over me, but I texted back "Wait for me, I'm coming!" and threw myself together and ran out the door.

Now this second wind that I just mentioned was powerful, but not long-lasting, and the train transfers and walking that was involved to get to the LES was no match for my 7:00 energy surge. At least this is what I thought until I finally found the bar and my old teacher friends and got my vodka on. It was so much fun!! At one point I looked around and realized that I was surrounded by some of the most diverse and interesting people I have met since moving to the city. E is from Haiti but went to high school in Queens. S is Korean and takes law school classes at night. K met her husband when she was traveling in Turkey, and she just accepted a job being a cruise director on a riverboat in China. S volunteered in Honduras and accidentally went swimming in a sewer there. Ok, these people are actually a lot more interesting than the details I just gave, but my point is that it was so fun to be surrounded by such adventuresome and eclectic and colorful people. We drank, talked Zoni, and decided to sing Karaoke. Yeah, it was that kind of night. S led us slightly astray (which almost landed us in the middle of a very sketchy house party) but eventually we found the bar called oh-so-fittingly "Sing Sing" on Avenue A. We killed it: Tina Turner, Salt-n-pepa, and my personal favorite, Hall & Oats. There were drinks and shots and song requests and dancing, a lot of dancing. It was just what I needed.

At the end of the night, I bit the bullet and hailed a cab uptown. I sat in the backseat, windows open, as we drove on FDR drive, Brooklyn to my right, Manhattan to my left.  I texted and smiled, realizing how much my life has changed in the past six months, how much it had changed in the past 20 hours.


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