Forgive me forests, but I gotsta print!

I love blogging and I love my Mac, but lately, I've been feeling a little nostalgic for paper. It's like that cheesy Kevin Costner movie Waterworld when the whole world is an ocean and paper is a precious commodity. Paper is like gold. That's kind of how I've felt [sans printer] in New York. Even though I'm a big fan of paperless bank statements and paperless receipts, when it comes to drafts of stuff I'm writing, I just want to be able to touch it. You know? 

So, there is a documentary called Bird by Bird with Annie about my homegirl Anne Lamott, and of course I love every little part, but there is one part in particular that I've been thinking about lately. In a talk, she says this:
  "...I have my students send money quarterly to the Sierra Club to have more trees planted so they will let themselves print out copies of their manuscripts. It's not a book if it's on the computer. It's about paper. I'm sorry, it's the one realm in which I'm conservative. You print it out. You mark it up. You play with it. You get your sticky little fingers on it for a while. You let it get a little fresh air."
She just gets me!!

I randomly brought this up to my roomie HK, and she told me that she had a printer in the closet! It's been there all along! We dug out the printer, and I went to Staples and bought ink and printer paper stat. I plugged it in, clicked "print," and as my first shitty draft spun out of the printer and floated to the floor, it felt like in this sea of a city, I just struck gold. 


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