It has recently come to my attention that I have a draft problem. I have SO MANY drafts of blog posts, but I forget/neglect to post them for one reason or another!! So today is the day. I'm going to post a random assortment of blog drafts that have been hiding out in cyberspace for the past 6 months as a part of an ever growing effort to be more ballsy (which is a real word, according to spellcheck) about putting my stuff out there. Baby steps, baby.

A sad day turned OK. Actually, I don't really remember what happened after this. Surely, there was no Char Bar :(
Re-reading this really made me miss my Asians. 

Wow, I sound like such a BABY!! I'm happy to report that my mental breakdowns are a lot less intense and frequent these days. And if I ever have a house party, I'm totally stealing the lightbulb idea. Dank.

(also, the date on this one is wrong..)
EH, do you remember this?? I miss being miserably hot and sticky with you in a stinky, crowded city.


  1. I sure do! If I could post pics on the comment section I would totally share the pic with the close-up of the guys toenails. sick.

  2. Hi Amanda, Zoni misess you. Ur classes became unforgettable. Since we always repeat each class for few times we always compare them to those we took with u. And to tell u the truth u r always the winner. There is no more energetic, interesing and funny class like yours, when you used to teach us. thanks for everything and wish u all the best!! Patrycja from Poland and others. :)

  3. Is Bryant Park where you get to watch an outdoor movie, like in "The Wedding Planner"? If so (...or even if not, I suppose!) it seems quite lovely!


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