New York Weeks

The thing about a NY minute is that it adds up, and before you know it, two and a half men, I mean weeks goes by, and you realize that you haven't blogged about any of the disasters, adventures, or mayhem that you have recently experienced. At least this is what happened to me today. So I'm spending the extra hour that the sun gave me (or actually took away) to hash it all out. Happy Sunday!

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Went to a club with the S girls that was the closest thing to Soul Train that I will ever experience. We realized right away that we were the only people there under the age of 35.  Then we realized we were the only people who weren't black. It was. Hilarious. 

Cousin CP, aunt PP, and Mama Lightfield came to visit!! They kept up with my fast pace walking through some questionable walk signs, and in return I showed them what I consider to be the best parts of the city in just over 72 hours. We had a blast!
My nanny chair where I spend 1-2 hours a day reading and playing with my iPhone. It's the best part of my day. 


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