Ah! Real Monsters!!

Halloween in NYC did not disappoint. Though there were no Halloween blow-ups across the street, and I no longer live in a murder house (or do I?), I still had a pretty freaky weekend.

He was terrified of his panda costume, but I got him to put these on for a picture.
He's going to make such a cute fuzzy-eye-browed old dude.  

It snowed the day before Halloween, and New Yorkers didn't know how to handle it. I told them that when I was a kid, we often had to design Halloween costumes to fit over snow suits. Then as their mouths dropped, I took the Halloween candy out of their hands and ate it. Pussies.  

The six-year-old wrote this sign and hung it on the wall after we spent the afternoon making paper monsters. He reassured me that the monsters weren't real. I told him that made the sign ironic. He didn't get it. 

The Greenwich Village Halloween Parade with KS was a serious sensory overload.  The city is filled with freaks every day, but Halloween gives permission to even the most closeted freaks to let their freak flag fly.
And let me tell you: they did. 


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