What NYC is really like..

When people who have never been to NYC think of NYC, they naturally look to the entertainment industry to most realistically capture the true essence of the city. They think FRIENDS. They think Sex and the City. They think Law and Order. Most of the time these depictions are wrong, waaay wrong. But sometimes they are right.

Here's how my life in NYC is like....

  • Ross, Rachel, and the gang had Central Perk and Gunther. EH and I have Crocodile Lounge and our favorite bearded bartender Fred.
  • The friends have "Naked Guy" in the building across the street. We have hock-a-loogie guy who is in the building over and whose bathroom window is within arm's reach of ours. 
  • In FRIENDS, Joey is a struggling actor.  In my life, I am just struggling.
...Sex and the City:
  • Samantha, Miranda, Charlotte, and Carrie get together to talk about men and sex. I get together with my girlfriends to talk about pretty much everything else. 
  • They drink twenty dollar cosmos and take taxis everywhere they go. I drink two buck chuck from Trader Joe's and take the damn train everywhere I go.
  • They go shopping and buy nice shoes. I go window shopping and look at nice shoes.
...Law and Order:
  • There are sirens and arrests, shootings and stabbings, undercover cops and district attorneys. Oh wait, those things all happen to me too (full stories to come). And they claim the show is fictional...


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