A Video Montage: NYC Weather

I knew that when I moved to New York City I would have to deal with annoying crowds, high prices, high crime rates but what I didn't expect was awful weather. Since January, I have survived a blizzard, heat wave, earthquake, and now a hurricane. I'm beginning to think that NYC wants me gone. But too bad; I'm staying put and sticking it out, and so are the rest of the 8 million NY residents. Bring it on Mama Nature; we're not going anywhere. (But we are still going to complain about it.. and make ridiculous youtube videos)

And now sit back, relax, and enjoy a video montage of the weather in NYC since I moved here.

I moved to NYC the night of January 26, 2011 during the worst snow storm of the winter.

Then in July, I survived the heat wave that broke records along the East coast.
And it was hot, but it wasn't that hot, you morons.

Last week, I felt the rumble of the earthquake as I was teaching adjective clauses. My neighbor felt it too. And look at her! She's not wearing a bra!

Today, right now, I'm in a hurricane. A HURRICANE people! There aren't really any funny videos of this natural disaster, but there is this song. I've been trying to cheer up the people of NYC by singing all week. Fail.


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