The perfect (non) date night

At noon I heard in the break room that Aretha Franklin was performing a free show at Coney Island that night.
At 2:00 I snuck out of class and texted my new friend KS to see if she wanted to go.
At 4:00 she said YES, and we planned to met there; I'd bring a blanket.
At 6:00 I left my apartment for an hour and a half subway journey to Coney Island.
At 8:00 KS met me on the boardwalk since the line was too long, but we could still see and hear Aretha from outside the stadium.
She still feels like a Natural Woman and it still sounded great.
Then we walked down the boardwalk ice cream cones in hand, ocean to our right, Aretha to our left.
We found a spot on a bench and watched the carnival rides, I with horror, KS with excitement.
We agreed that the night would have been a perfect date night, but since KS's boyfriend is still in NE and mine.. well.. doesn't exist, we agreed that it was still fun being with each other anyway.
The conversation almost drove me to the deep fried oreos, but I held myself back.
We stood to walk back to the train to part ways, and fireworks started over the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball field. Literally the best fireworks I have every seen in my entire life.
KS and I stood and watched with open mouths and sticky ice cream hands.
I thought, not to shabby for a impromptu Thursday night adventure.
We walked toward the train, and I found Manhattan-bound and KS Brooklyn-bound.
And an hour an a half later, I was home.


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