Let me lay on the couch and tell you about my dream. Analysis shouldn't be difficult.

Last night I had a dream that I was at some sort of wedding convention center/town/complex thing that was the setting for hundreds of weddings that were all going on.. at the same time. There were brides everywhere. Big brides. Small brides. Beautiful brides. Not so beautiful brides. And following every bride was a trail of women in identical bridesmaid dresses following her. Everyone was in a hurry. There were photos being taken left and right, and the scene resembled a Santa taking pictures with kids at the mall around Christmas except there was no line, no organization. Just brides and their maids running around and photographers yelling directions. Line up! Faces inward! Flowers up! We had to move locations rapidly but luckily there was a train system throughout the complex to get the wedding women from one photo location to the next. Yes, the subway was in my dreams.

I was wearing yellow. And I had lost my earrings. I was a bad bridesmaid. A very bad bridesmaid, and everyone was mad at me and I lost something else too but I can't remember what it was and I couldn't remember what it was in the dream either. And though the whole scene seemed completely chaotic and nonsensical, I seemed to be the only who thought so. And women all looked at me like what was wrong with me? Why didn't I have my earrings? How hard could that be?

And then I woke up.


Note: I really am SO HONORED to be in my best friends' weddings. I think I just have watched the trailer for Bridesmaids one too many times.. :)


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