
So then it was Monday night and before leaving work I put on some lipstick and hopped on a downtown train to meet DP and BH who were in town for the night. It was raining and I was without an umbrella so I popped into Strand for a bit and googled for a happy hour. I found one called 13 and found a spot at the bar; I ordered something with vodka and waited for them to come. We grabbed a couch and filled each other in. Nebraska and camp friends joined us, and before we knew it, the place was crowded with poets, a baby, and a plastic pet carrier with an unidentifiable pet inside. Impromptu poetry slam. We stayed for two, then left for Moroccan food. We walked to St. Martin's, got cozy at our table, and devoured couscous. I said goodbye on the rainy street outside and walked back to the train. I bought a peanut butter cookie on my way and smiled while I ate it (even though I'm allergic).



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