One weekend

I've been feeling a little neglectful about blogging lately, and since the future of The Post isn't looking very good, I went perusing in my "drafts" folder to check out what I have started writing in the past couple of months but didn't actually post. And this is what I found.

 It's fragmented and choppy and unpolished. But then again, so is life in NYC.

One weekend in June:

On Friday I slept in and taught from 1-5. Idioms. Then I ran the Reagan's to babysit.. Doorman Juan asked me about kids and pizza.. then I see all the scooters. A pizza party cooking class with 8 preschoolers and 10 adults (nannies, mothers, pizza party instructors). I wiped hands, picked up plates, and stood around idly like all the other nannies, mothers, and pizza party instructors. The kids threw playdough at each other.

I really did nothing nothing.. bathed them, yelled at them, put them to bed... $60 and I was off to the rooftop film festival with the Polish gang. Smelled stinky Chinese chicken and knew I was close to Grand St. Two people asked me for directions. I love that. Couldn't help them though. Got seats, then better seats, then even better seats. Didn't mind the temperature drop.. great film. Walked around High School.. saw writing center door. Smiled. The halls smelled like hormones and creativity.

D train home.. Listened to Dylan to be dramatic.

Saturday morning boat ride singing giligans island song then "I'm on a Boat" by Tpain. Sea of tourists and we didn't even care. Even said, "Huh" a couple of times after learning something about our home. Chilly.. We closed our eyes and imagined we were on Kampeska or Blue Dog. We strongly considered the $7 beers they were selling downstairs. We watched the Italian couple in front of us grope each other. We got sunburnt.

Then we had brunch in Hell's Kitchen, found a city street wide rummage sale, ran into Eleanor (another Zoni teacher), took pictures. Then things got hairy when EH and I decided to buy two peices of furniture, then realized we didn't have enough cash, then hailed a cab, all while rushing because EH had to work, then EH getting dropped off at work and me directing the cabbie into Harlem. Not communicating my directions very well (and those pesky one-ways), we did a 6 block figure eight around my building. He dumped me and my furniture on the curb and I had to leap frog the peices up my stoop so they wouldn't be taken and to prop each of the three doors I have to get through open. Between door number one and door number two, a tall man with a taller cello-in-case approached the door to get through. A cello. A cello. He climbed over my piano bench and squeezed past our otoman. What a gentleman, that celloist. I mustered up the last of my strength carried both up three flights of stairs. I then collapsed on my bed for two hours. It was so good I drooled. Woke up with a headache and a babysitting offer I just couldn't refuse. NOT for mob though. 

The Poconos wanted me from 8:30-12:30 and get this.. the kid was already asleep. They were offering me $20 an hour to watch their cable TV and eat their food. So I said yes. 

I went down to the subway to wait for my train. Short guy told me I was tall and thought I spoke Spanish. We talked until the train came and he got on and sat next to me. I prepared my "Thanks but I have a boyfriend" speech but didn't need to use it. He did give me his card though, ping pong instructor.

Watched Law and Order, met Erin for drinks and because of her hat we got shots immediately. I also liked the Austrailian. We took a taxi home (twice in one day, we're such high rollers).

Sunday I met SV at Notre Dam for mass and a cute healthy buffet later. I spilled my guts about all the stories I have been dying to tell but haven't had an audience. I listened intently on her own Bronx missionary tales. We walked to the train together and waved goodbye from opposite sides of the playform. She on the uptown and me on the downtown. I got off at 72nd and headed to Trader Joes before I was distracted by the 4 block long street fair happening between Amsterdam and Broadway. I looked and picked up and bought. I had to through my salad away. Then grocery shopping which isn't interesting no matter how I write it.. and on the bus with groceries on one side and my phone on my ear connected to SD. I made supper and EO came over for a movie.

We laughed. It was a hoot.

And then it was Monday...


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