We need to stop meeting like this...

EH and I are roommates, but because I work weekdays and weekend days and she works nights, we have been known to go several days without actually seeing each other. We have resorted to writing messages in permanent black marker on the business and sports sections of the New York Times (because, let's be honest, they're the only sections that aren't read). But then a funny thing happened.. three times in three days.

On Saturday night I babysat for the Poconos family (remember the stomach flu debacle in February?). I hadn't seen the three jew fros in over a month, but they needed someone for the night and since I would be getting paid $20 to watch cable TV while the boys slept, I seized the opportunity for some extra weekend cash. Plus, EH had to work at the French restaurant where she serves and she would be gone all night, too. The parents came home from the movies at midnight, and I walked to the corner to get on the M11 bus. I called my mom as I waited at the bus stop and suddenly looked across the street and realized it was EH's restaurant! I knew it was in the Upper West side but I had no idea that it was on the same block as my family's! I thought I could see her through the windows but I was exhausted and I didn't want to be a nuisance so I left her a voicemail and got on the bus when it came. How weird.

5 short hours later I was up again, and gulping coffee before I headed out the door the weekend nannying adventure #2, this time for the Senator's twins. That afternoon I took William and Ava Rose to the Natural History Museum. I'd never been, but it was a really cool museum... unless you're three. The twins continuously tried to climb on artifacts and were scared of the life-like native tribal figures. Ava Rose politely pointed out all of the penises in the ancient Egyptian and African art. We were leaving the museum and heading toward the direction of those yellow cars that have a habit of ignoring me when I saw someone walking toward us who bore a striking resemblance to EH. It was her! On the sidewalk right in front of us! She was on her way to work so we stopped and chatted like it was no big thing, like we were in the same isle buying cereal at Wal-Mart in Watertown, SD. How weird.

Then this Monday morning, I left for work a bit earlier than usual to do some last minute prepping before another 6 hours of "winging-it" teaching. I left before EH and stood at the subway platform waiting for the D train like every other week/end day. I turned to my left, and can you believe it? EH. The D came and we both got on and chatted about our days/nights until she got off at 47th street. How weird.

Even though we have gone I think a record of 4 days without seeing each other (yet still sleeping at our apartment every night), we ran into each other randomly on the street three days in a row. I told EH that we need to stop meeting like this. People are going to start to think that we're roommates.


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