"I saw a famous person yesterday!"

I told my mom, "I saw a famous person yesterday!"
My mom said, "Who was it?"
I said, "I don't know her name."
My mom said, "What is she in?"
I said, "Well, I don't know. But I know she's famous!"

Here's the story: Yesterday I was at the Hudson River park with the twins and the Reagan's (the nick-names I have secretly given them because their names are Ronald and Nancy). The four of them were on the carousel, and I was standing by the gate holding two scooters, two helmets, two bags, and a purse. I was sweating and getting dizzy watching the animals go up and down and the carousel go round and round. Then, I noticed one of the mothers who was standing by her small son on the ring-necked duck. She was tall and thin and covered in freckles. I knew she looked familiar, but it took 4 times around and 2 Kid-Bop songs for me to realize who she was.

I saw her in Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, a film based on a David Foster Wallace book and produced by John Krasinski (who also starred in the film). I watched the movie on Netflix Instant Queue a month or so ago, and it was actually really terrible (hot Johnny is the only thing that kept me from switching over to a Roseanne re-run).

A half an hour after my realization, I crossed paths with the freckled mom-star (whose name is Julianne Nicholson) and her son on the boardwalk as I was chasing William and his unsteady orange scooter. I looked at her with a look that said, "I know" and I said, "Hello." She said "Hi" back! And she smiled!

So even though that movie was only half a star (at best), I'm so glad that I stuck with it because now I can say that I had a brief interview (or just a 'hello') with someone who has made out with John Krasinski! I just should have asked her how it was...


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